Despite these very challenging and uncertain times, wood flooring is an investment worth protecting. Fortifiber products protect floors from surface to sub-floor. They prevent moisture migration from ruining floors from below and protect finished surfaces from damage.
Aquabar “B”®: the industry standard vapor retarder under wood floors. Meets California’s stringent indoor air quality requirements. By reducing the rate of moisture migration, Aquabar “B” protects against moisture vapor related floor problems such as buckling, cupping or cracking. Aquabar “B” is much less likely than impermeable common poly film to trap moisture condensation between it and the sub-floor.
FortiBoard®: tough surface protection to keep others from trampling your beautiful floor installs. Non-corrugated, heavy duty floor protection material with excellent water resistance; lighter weight than other competitive floor protection boards and made from 100% recycled materials. Rolls out flat and fast.